09.03.2016 - 16.04.2016
AD Gallery presents Dimitra Lazaridou’s fifth solo show entitled “Eclectic Heritage”.
In her last solo show, human presence has appeared in her photographs, which was completely absent from her previous work. Now she reverts to the human figure placing it in the foreground. Lazaridou’s photographs are but inner landscapes that create associations with intense emotional charge. Their references – points of departure are based on the photographer’s relation with images taken from Tarkovsky’s movies and film noir to Rimbaud’s poetry, Beckett’s theatre and Velazquez’s painting.
The photographer captures with her camera a number of people, individually or by two at most, in interior spaces during a “suspended” moment, when no kind of action is evident. And while in her previous works Lazaridou was able to "exceed public space, appropriate it and turn it into private", in the works she presents here the photographic lens enters a strictly private and personal space in order to expose it to the viewer. She is taking advantage of a series of “images within the image” that deliver associations and in the end, inevitably, narrate not only what happens inside closed doors but also what happens inside the mind of the people who inhabit them.
As a result, even images where it seems that nothing happens, here become images of “action”, of an esoteric action. And the works themselves acquire a confessional character or yet a narrative one beyond representation and expressive externality, within a universe of moods, daydreams, internal dialogues and imagination.
Exhibition duration: March 9 – April 16, 2016
image gallery

"Bounded with Nostalgia (A. Tarkovsky's Life)", 2014, archival print on cotton paper, 96 X 120 cm, Ed. of 5
AD Gallery presents Dimitra Lazaridou’s fifth solo show entitled “Eclectic Heritage”.
In her last solo show, human presence has appeared in her photographs, which was completely absent from her previous work. Now she reverts to the human figure placing it in the foreground. Lazaridou’s photographs are but inner landscapes that create associations with intense emotional charge. Their references – points of departure are based on the photographer’s relation with images taken from Tarkovsky’s movies and film noir to Rimbaud’s poetry, Beckett’s theatre and Velazquez’s painting.
The photographer captures with her camera a number of people, individually or by two at most, in interior spaces during a “suspended” moment, when no kind of action is evident. And while in her previous works Lazaridou was able to "exceed public space, appropriate it and turn it into private", in the works she presents here the photographic lens enters a strictly private and personal space in order to expose it to the viewer. She is taking advantage of a series of “images within the image” that deliver associations and in the end, inevitably, narrate not only what happens inside closed doors but also what happens inside the mind of the people who inhabit them.
As a result, even images where it seems that nothing happens, here become images of “action”, of an esoteric action. And the works themselves acquire a confessional character or yet a narrative one beyond representation and expressive externality, within a universe of moods, daydreams, internal dialogues and imagination.
Exhibition duration: March 9 – April 16, 2016
image gallery